Captain Dan Keating
Salmon Schools, Books & Coaching

Invite Dan to inspire & challenge the men in your church! A lifetime spent guiding men to adventures has given him a unique perspective that will encourage your men.

What We Do
Wild Game Dinner
Men's retreats--weekend or one-day
Ministry conference
Small Group Gathering
School Assembly
Go into all the world and preach the Good News
Dan has a unique ability to open God's word as we navigate life in a post modern culture. Please contact us for references.

Men's retreats
When you take a man and place him in nature and remove the demands of daily life you can take his soul to a deeper place. Help to refuel your men and re-calibrate their internal compass through time away and encouraging lessons designed to equip and strengthen a man's soul. Many churches find that a two or three day retreat is a great way to deepen community and strengthen a man's heart for the daily battles we all face.

Men's Night Out!
Life is moving faster than ever and men today face challenges from every angle of life. Culture is telling men that they don't matter! You can be replaced! But the truth is, men play a huge role in the landscape of family, work and culture. You can counter this deadly message by investing time and resources into developing and growing the men in your community.

Motivational Speaking
Fishing is a risky occupation. From the weather, to the clients to the catch; nothing is guarantied! But the promise of great rewards makes the challenge all the sweeter!
Captain Dan will challenge and inspire your corporate event through gifted stories drawing parallels between the rugged world of a professional fisherman and the modern work world.