Captain Dan Keating
Salmon Schools, Books & Coaching

Guiding Men to see the Unseen
On the Water, at Home and Life
Dan is a professional fisherman, author, motivational speaker, evangelist and founder of Two Fish Publishing. He is the author of five books and has produced two DVD’s. Dan spent much of his life as a rebel on the run. After capsizing his life on the reefs of worldly pursuits, he was rescued by the Eternal Fisherman. Today Dan passionately reaches out to men, helping them to understand God’s purpose and calling in life. Dan weaves story, our love for the outdoors, a man’s need to conquer challenges with the greatest story ever told, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Dan has an M.A. in Biblical and Theological Studies from Wheaton College Graduate School and a BA from UIC and has been a licensed Captain for over 35 years.
During the off season Dan speaks at churches, sportsman’s dinners, men’s events and children’s events across the Midwest. When not on the water Dan enjoys spending time with his wife, Mary, and their four children, hiking in the mountains of Colorado, fishing, gardening, or just hanging out with the kids. Dan and Mary have had many exciting adventures fishing off the beaten path in remote locations around the world including the Indian Ocean, Southwest Pacific and Central America.
About Captain Dan
Dan’s life has been a hobby out of control! Dan invites men to listen to their life and to wrestle with the questions and struggles that matter most--who is Jesus? And, how does Jesus want them to live? After dropping out of college in 1982 Dan built one of the most successful charter fishing businesses on the Great Lakes. Despite the great catches of fish, financial gain and tournament victories, he was dying on the inside. Dan was a rebel on the run who eventually ran into the greatest storm he had ever faced. It was in the midst of that storm that God threw Dan the first of seven life rings. This began a long and painful journey that led a broken man to the ultimate Truth--and a New Life.